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Vendor-to-vendor education to improve malaria treatment by the private sector: a "how-to" manual for district managers.

Center for Human Services. Quality Assurance Project
Organization: Quality Assurance Project/URC

Region and Country: Africa, Sub Saharan, Kenya


This manual was developed to assist district health management teams in countries where malaria is endemic to improve the quality of malaria treatment given by private clinics, pharmacies, shops, and kiosks. It gives step-by-step instructions for how to implement a public health activity that will involve wholesalers in communicating malaria guidelines to retailers and private clinics. Typically, district health management teams have focused on improving the quality of care offered by government hospitals, health centers and dispensaries. However, because these days 60-80% of people with malaria--or parents of children with malaria--first visit a private establishment to get treatment, it has become more and more important for district health teams to give attention also to the private sector. The Vendor-to-Vendor education activity is a low-cost approach for developing an effective public-private partnership to ensure that people receive prompt and effective treatment for malaria. (excerpt)
