In 2009, the USAID Health Care Improvement Project (HCI), in conjunction with the Ministry of Health, began implementing an improvement collaborative aimed at increasing the number of clients accessing HIV/AIDS care and antiretroviral therapy (ART), in addition to increasing the coverage of HIV/AIDS services. This “coverage collaborative” was implemented in 13 sites, and is linked with a series of improvement collaboratives that address different aspects of improving access to and retention of care and clinical outcomes for HIV-positive patients.
The primary goal of the coverage collaborative is to improve the efficiency of service delivery. Health worker productivity and engagement—the extent to which workers believe in their work, are motivated to do their job well, and feel valued for doing it—are integral to improving efficiency, since these criteria determine how much workers are able and willing to do and how motivated they are to perform well.
As part of the collaborative, HCI conducted a baseline assessment of HIV/AIDS provider productivity, efficiency, and engagement for the Ministry of Health. Five data collection tools were used for the assessment , which took place in November 2009, and included the following: a site manager interview, a time utilization tool, a productivity interview, a client flow assessment, and an engagement survey. The assessment included six health centers and hospitals.
This report presents the key findings from the assessment and includes the data collection instruments in the appendix. To support the Ministry of Health in improving the productivity and engagement of providers delivering ART services in Uganda, the selected sites will use this information to make informed decisions about health worker allocation, time utilization, roles, efficiency, and management, which will result in improved HIV/AIDS service provider productivity and increased capacity to provide services to new patients. The successful interventions developed in the coverage collaborative will then be shared with other sites, in order to encourage learning and the replication of successful interventions.