The USAID Health Care Improvement Project's Research and Evaluation program supports global learning in health care improvement by:
- Generating and synthesizing learning on priority areas related to QI, including: institutionalization of better care practices and QI, spread of improvements, QI team performance and coaching, cost-effectiveness of QI, QI applied to community level services.
- Improving methods, approaches and tools for documenting, analyzing, sharing and synthesizing learning from improvement efforts
- Providing technical support for strengthening rigor of data collection and analysis
Priority Areas of Learning
In collaboration with country programs, HCI is implementing studies that address key issues for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of health care improvement efforts, including spread, institutionalization, employee engagement, and cost-effectiveness of QI methods.
Quality improvement (QI) is focused on answering the question, “Is this change an improvement?” When multiple teams are working together on a common health issue, this question is transformed to, “Which changes are the most robust, effective, and efficient across QI teams?”
Efficiently and effectively harvesting the answers to these questions across a large-scale improvement activity, such as an improvement collaborative, is often hampered by weaknesses in processes of documentation and analysis at the QI team level. A major HCI effort to support QI teams in documenting their results and important learning is the project’s Documentation, Analysis, and Sharing (DAS) System.
HCI’s DAS tools are designed to help improvement teams analyze their results and determine which changes actually led to improvement. The tools also facilitate the work of synthesizing what is being learned across teams, to enable these good practices to be spread to new sites.
Currently available tools include:
Institutionalization of better care practices and quality improvement is a key outcome of quality improvement efforts. HCI’s first efforts to comprehensively study institutionalization are taking place in Niger. Related studies are planned in Honduras and Nicaragua. Link below to a graphic depicting the conceptual framework for HCI’s research on institutionalization. More information on the Niger institutionalization study (including the study protocol and preliminary findings) may be found in the Niger study link under “HCI Research and Evaluation Studies” below.
Spread of improvements is key to achieving better care at scale. While collaborative improvement will generate robust learning about effective changes in systems and processes to ensure consistent provision of high quality care, these changes must be spread to other sites to achieve results at scale. HCI’s first efforts to comprehensively study spread are currently taking place in Ecuador, where the Ministry of Health is directing the spread of better care practices and quality improvement methods to the remaining half of the country not covered by prior QI efforts. Other studies related to spread are now planned in Cote d’Ivoire, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Russia, and Uganda.
Link below to a graphic depicting the conceptual framework for HCI’s research on spread. More information may be found in the Ecuador spread study link under “HCI Research and Evaluation Studies” below.
Read more about current and completed studies:
Studying Spread of Best Practices for Maternal and Newborn Care from Health Centers to Health Posts in San Marcos | Guatemala
Health facility factors associated with improvements in the quality of HIV/AIDS care at health facilities in Uganda
Cross-sectional examination of service delivery and costs of community- and home-based care in Tanzania
Comparative Study to Assess the Impact of Collaborative Improvement on Customer Satisfaction, Provider Satisfaction, and Services for PLWHA | Cote d'Ivoire
Adaptability of better care practices to improve HIV/AIDS care as they spread across sites in Uganda
Spread of better care practices to improve coverage, retention and outcomes of patients receiving ART care in resource-limited settings | Uganda
Improving enrolment of HIV+ pregnant women in chronic HIV care/ART units at health facilities in Uganda
Evaluation of a Community Health Worker Improvement Collaborative in Ethiopia
Qualitative Process Evaluation of the Implementation and Evolution of Community-Based Quality Improvement for EONC | Afghanistan
Post Partum Family Planning Intervention for At-Risk Women in Masay and Rivas, Nicaragua
Expanding the learning: spread of innovations in MNCH to new teams | Nicaragua
Comparison of Coaching Strategies for Improvement Collaboratives in Ugandan HIV/AIDS Health Centres
Evaluation of Medical and Nursing Competencies in Antenatal, Delivery, and Newborn Care in Five SILAIS in Nicaragua
Evaluation of the Institutionalization of Improving the Quality of Maternal-Neonatal Health Care Services in Guatemala
Evaluation of a Collaborative Approach and of ISO Certification to Improve Quality of Maternal-Neonatal Health Care Services in Guatemala: A Comparative Cost Analysis | Guatemala
Validity of Patient Data Records in Maternal and Newborn Health Facilities | Afghanistan
Strengthening QI Team Performance Through Shared Learning and Coaching | Guatemala
Humanization, cultural adequacy and demand generation for quality maternal care in Ecuador
Evaluation of the costs and benefits of the coverage collaborative in Ugandan HIV clinics
Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the Data Management Collaborative in Uganda
Sustainabilitiy of the Effectiveness of a PMTCT Counselor Training Program during National Scale-up | Tanzania
Health Workforce Competency and Facility Readiness for Safe Deliveries | Tanzania
Spread of PMTCT and ART Better Care Practices through collaborative learning in Tanzania
Investigation of the Sequential Validity of QI Team Self-Assessments in a Health Facility HIV Improvement Collaborative in Tanzania
How do quality improvement teams function after an improvement intervention ends? A description of team performance after the end of an obstetric and newborn QI initiative in Niger
Validity of Quality Improvement Team Self-Assessment in Monitoring Maternal and Newborn Indicators in Niger – Comparison of data from external record review, observation and case-simulation
Shared learning among quality improvement teams in Nicaragua: Spread of better care practices in HIV/AIDS, family planning, obstetrics and pediatric care through collaborative learning
Impact of Emergency Triage, Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) on the quality of care given to under-five children | Malawi
How Proven Improvements are Adopted by Other Health Centers: A Study on the Spread of Best Practices for Maternal and Newborn Care in Guatemala
Analysis of Effectiveness and Cost Effectiveness of Adding Quality Improvement Collaborative to a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Guatemala
Shared Learning in Collaborative Improvement: Spread of Changes to Improve PMTCT and ART Services among QI Teams in Cote d'Ivoire
Effects of participating in collaborative improvement on the quality of HIV/AIDS care in facilities in Cote d’Ivoire: a comparison of intervention and control sites
Assessing Quality Improvement Team Performance on the HIV/AIDS Service Improvement Collaborative in Cote D'Ivoire
Validity of self-assessments of performance by continuous quality improvement teams | Ecuador
Cost-effectiveness of quality improvement in the context of EONC in two provinces – Kunduz and Balkh | Afghanistan
Cost-effectiveness of the improvement collaborative approach in the context of hospital-level maternity services in Kabul | Afghanistan
Sustaining Better Maternal and Newborn Care and Quality Improvement in Niger: Challenges and Successes | Niger
Continuous Quality Improvement of Maternal and Newborn Care Practices in Ecuador: A Comparison of Demonstration and Spread Phases
Intensified TB case finding in Swaziland
Program evaluation of TB-HIV interventions in Thai Binh Province, Vietnam
Assessment of quality of ART services in the private sector in Uganda
Accessibility of ART in St. Petersburg and Orenburg City, Russia
Task-shifting in maternal and newborn care counseling: Evaluation of the quality and impact of counseling by skilled and unskilled health care workers in Zou/Collines, Benin
Implementation of Standards of Service Delivery for Orphans and Vulnerable Children in Kenya: A Prospective Evaluation of Performance, Costs and Equity
Task Shifting in HIV/AIDS Service Delivery: An Exploratory Study of Expert Patients in Uganda
Evaluación de competencias del personal médico y de enfermería que brinda atención del embarazo, parto, puerperio, recién nacido y sus complicaciones en cinco SILAIS de Nicaragua | Comparativo 2005 y 2010
Continuidad de la atención en planificación familiar a puérperas con riesgo reproductivo, atendidas en dos SILAIS de Nicaragua, Julio 2008–Julio 2010
Analysis of Effectiveness and Cost-effectiveness of Adding Collaborative Improvement to a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Guatemala
The Validity of Self-assessment Data in a Ugandan Quality Improvement Program
Sostenibilidad de las Acciones y Capacidades para Impulsar el Mejoramiento Continuo de la Calidad en la Atención Materna-Infantil en AMOCSA Chinandega
Sostenibilidad de las Mejoras en la Atención Materno-Infantil e Institucionalización del Mejoramiento Continuo de la Calidad en Nicaragua
Evaluation of the Costs and Benefits of an HIV Care Coverage Improvement Collaborative in Uganda
The Data Management Improvement Collaborative in Uganda
Sequential Validity of Quality Improvement Team Self-assessments in Tanzania
Spread of PMTCT and ART Better Care Practices through Collaborative Learning in Tanzania
The Partnership for Quality Improvement to Improve PMTCT and ART Services in Tanzania: Assessment of Results, Capacity, and Potential for Institutionalization
Sustaining Better Maternal and Newborn Care and Quality Improvement in Niger: Challenges and Successes
Evaluation of the Scale-up of the PMTCT Infant Feeding Counseling Training Program in Tanzania
Synthesis of Findings and Learning from the Field Testing of Learning System Tools: The Standard Evaluation System (SES) Team Documentation Journal, Team Synthesis Form, and Excel Results Databases
A Rapid Evaluation of the Uganda MoH Training Program on the Use of HIV Patient Monitoring Tools
Evaluation of a Ministry of Health ART Training Workshop in Uganda
Results of Collaborative Improvement: Effects on Health Outcomes and Compliance with Evidence-based Standards in 27 Applications in 12 Countries
Expanding TB and TB/HIV Integrated Services in Thai Binh Province, Vietnam
Private-for-Profit HIV/AIDS Care in Uganda: An Assessment
The Evidence Base for Programming for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Low Prevalence and Concentrated Epidemic Countries
Accessibility of Antiretroviral Therapy in St. Petersburg and Orenburg City, Russia
Evaluating Health Care Collaboratives: The Experience of the Quality Assurance Project
Collaborative Evaluation Series: Russia Site Visit Report