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QAP Resources

Case Studies
The QAP Case Study series presents real applications of QA methods in developing countries at various health system levels, from national to community. The series focuses on QA applications in maternal and reproductive health, child survival, and infectious diseases.

QAP developed several computer-based training products designed to strengthen health worker performance and affect health outcomes. Also available are CD-ROMs with PDF files of QAP publications and materials from the October 2000 Conference "Managing Quality through Regulation".

Conference Presentations
Presentations made by HCI staff at international or regional conferences.

Issue Papers
QAP Issue Papers provide a thorough and engaging overview of the latest in research findings on topics relevant to QAP's work.

Journal Articles
Articles published in professional journals highlight QAP’s work to improve the quality of health care around the world.

The Quality Assurance Monograph Series presents validated and methodologically sound QA tools and methodologies to health practitioners. Health Manager's Guides explain how to perform a particular aspect of quality assurance, such as monitoring quality, in a particular setting or with regard to a particular service. They include instruments that can be modified for use in other settings.

Research/Evaluation Reports
The Operations Research Results series presents methods and findings of QAP-supported operations research studies and the QAP Evaluation Reports provide in-depth summaries of the findings of evaluations of long-term QA programs.

Technical/Field Reports
In-depth and summary documents relating to the Quality Assurance Project’s work in developing countries.

Training Materials
Facilitator's guides and trainer and participant manuals.